Thursday, December 15, 2016

Think Alva, Oklahoma!!!

THINK ALVA!  Yes, Alva, Oklahoma, 73717!  Located in northwest Oklahoma, Woods County!  Amazing rural community, home of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Rangers (NWOSU) 1999 NAIA Champs, home of the Alva Goldbugs and Ladybugs (3 time state basketball champs), home of Northwest Career Tech, home of Plane Plastics, home of Bill Johnson Correctional Center, home of Alva Review Courier-Newsgram, home of Alva Chamber of Commerce, home of Share Medical Center, home of The Homestead, home of Alva Regional Airport and home of United Country Kohlrus Real Estate.  The downtown square in Alva, OK is packed with specialized boutiques and shops that provide great gift giving ideas for everyone on your list.  Made in Oklahoma gifts and ideas for all of your gift giving needs.  Think Alva for all of your real estate needs!  Award winning office, United Country Kohlrus Real Estate, has a team of real estate agents ready to serve you.  Come to Alva, OK and shop til you drop, live, work, play or go to school and further your education.   Contact us for the Kohlrus difference! 580-327-4007  Lucky Me,  I live in Alva, OK!

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